
Everline Hi-Rhino MISKO PDO threads

The price is for 10 pcs of threads in a bag.

19G USP 2 cannula length: 38mm  Thread length: 50mm

19G USP 2 cannula length: 60mm  Thread length: 70mm

PDO threads are made of polydioxanone absorbable sutures, it is use for skin tightening and wrinkles reduction. Everline PDO threads are made from absorbable polydioxanone (PDO), a surgical biodegradable suture material that has been safely used for more than 30 years in surgery.

The threads are fresh made within’ this year, expire 3 years after.


Everline Hi-Rhino MISKO PDO threads

This is for 10 pcs in a bag. Made in South Korea with CE certification, KFDA approval.

Cog in w-cannula, 20 pcs/bag

19G USP 2 cannula length: 38mm  Thread length: 50mm

19G USP 2 cannula length: 60mm  Thread length: 70mm

With Everline Hi-Rhino Misko PDO threads, you can get the rest of natural nose job without surgery.

It is an original cannula tread that the end of cannula needle is round-shaped. We have the patent to insert the thread by directly pulling out cog from cannula. Thus, it is safe because there is no tissue or nerve damage during procedure, and there is almost no bruise and swelling.

Nasal ridge

  • Correct nasal ridge to become ideal
  • Correct nasal ridge to be smooth
  • Lengthen nasal ridge for upturned nose

Nasal tip

  • Correct nasal tip to harmonize with nasal ridge
  • Shrink nasal base or correct its shape
  • Correct asymmetric nostril

38mm, 60mm


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